Who is the Anointing Priestess?

An Anointing Priestess is a keeper of sacred rituals and a guardian of ancient wisdom, a healer and guide who draws from the inherent intelligence of nature and facilitates profound transformation through the ancient practice of anointing with therapeutic oils.

The path of an Anointing Priestess is one of core devotion, acting as a spiritual midwife to the healing, sacrament, celebration and rites of passage of others, so that they may remember and reclaim their truth. She is a bridge between the earthly realm and the realm of spirit, weaving together the threads of human experience with those of the divine.

As a Priestess, trained in the Sacred Temple Art of Anointing, I strive to serve as an active reflection of the innate strength and beauty that lies within each soul, inspiring others to awaken to their highest potential and to embrace the fullness of their being. I remain anchored by a sincerity of heart, intuition, nurture, and empowerment, so you feel firmly held as you are guided back to your pure essence, to the temple of your own body’s gnosis, and to the Divine Feminine.

What is a Full Body Anointing

It is a holistic consecration, a comprehensive blessing, and a complete energetic renewal, commencing with the root chakra, up through to the crown chakra at the top of the head. 

The anointing is done by harnessing the therapeutic properties of essential oils, through which I align body, mind, and spirit to promote healing, relaxation, and transformation. You are ultimately called "home" to your wholeness throughout the process. 

Anointing stands as a timeless ritual throughout cultures and civilizations worldwide, steeped in tradition and mystery, offering a gateway to the realm of the divine within. As a potent tool for invoking guidance, protection, and empowerment, it is not merely a physical gesture but a profound act of intention, a sacred communion between the individual and the infinite, a catalyst for inner alchemy and self-realization.

In our session, curated oils, made for each chakra in the body, are applied on specific meridians and “shashumna” points, opening up energy flows. As an intuitive healer, I work with any stagnation in the body, as much as it will release in our time together, freeing experiences that have become trapped in the body from this lifetime and timelines beyond. 

Through the gentle application of oils, you are invited to shed and sever energetic cords that no longer serve, opening to a sense of renewal, purification, and alignment with oneself. As the aromatic oils blend with the skin, the scents awaken the subconscious, triggering memories, emotions, and intentions. 

This alchemical dance between oil and skin, intention and energy, creates a sacred space where deep healing can unfold, forgiveness may be found, where wounds can be soothed, and where profound transformation can take root. 

Your body will continue to release and heal beyond our session and internally things will shift, as will your awareness and your relationship to your external environment in a deeply impactful way. 

Sometimes one session is sufficient and other times additional sessions are required to fully liberate and alchemize what your body has been holding onto. Self-paced integration practices, that can be done from home, are included in the price of your session. 

From ancient ceremonies to modern-day rituals, anointing has served as a conduit for invoking blessings, releasing burdens, and facilitating profound shifts of energy and consciousness. The act of anointing with oils symbolizes anointing with the essence of nature itself, infusing the recipient with the vitality and wisdom of the natural world.

Oils as Alchemical Tools

While anointing I work with potent plant medicine in the form of over 50 essential oils of the highest quality, each holding its own intricate frequency code as unique as a fingerprint. 

As the aromatic oils blend with the skin, they deliver scents that spark the subconscious, triggering memories, emotions, and intentions. In each drop of oil, we encounter the distilled essence of a plant's spirit, carrying within it the intelligence, healing properties, and vibrational energy of the botanical realm. 

When we anoint ourselves with these precious elixirs, we engage in a dance of reciprocity, exchanging energy, gratitude, and intention with the plant allies that support our well-being.

Nature is not merely a backdrop to our existence but a living, breathing manifestation of the divine. Every leaf, rock, and creature holds a story, a lesson, a song waiting to be heard. While immersing ourselves in natural oils, derived from the aromatic essences of plants, we find solace, inspiration, and a profound sense of interconnectedness with all living beings.