Your Sacred Matressence Initiation:

An intentional 40-day holy rite of passage from Maiden to Mother, so you can honor what was to stand in the divine feminine power of what is.

You’ve had a beautiful, healthy baby…


And whether she’s 6 days old or 6 years old…you feel some level of resentment for the loss of the life you once had.

You’re supposed to be grateful and excited and starstruck with love, so why do you feel sort of destroyed?

Maybe you even feel bitter, pissed, blaming, and resentful.

Overwhelmed, like the pressure is building and you are going to burst.

You feel completely lost and can’t get a grip on who you are anymore

You need a nap. A bath. A warm meal. Your coffee hot.

Everyone is asking about your babe, and no one is asking about you

And you’ve just made the biggest shift of your whole entire life.

You feel like something is missing and can’t quite put your finger on it.

And you feel like you’re not supposed to rage.

I get it, mama.

I was just like you.

I gave birth, and yet I felt so broken.


The truth is, I was actually grieving my lost life.

My ‘Maiden’ was gone. My ‘Mother’ archetype had snuffed her out like a blown out candle. My ‘Maiden’ was free, fun, and on fire.

She had a life, and friends, and fully expressed in her sexuality.

My ‘Mother’ never wanted to have sex again. She was touched out.

My guts felt like they were all over the place. I was wearing diapers.

I looked in the mirror and I didn’t even know who I was anymore. I felt like I had been completely stripped of everything. All the artifacts of my past life, gone.

I felt like I had lost myself, and who I was as a woman.

I had read all the fucking books, I did all the classes.

But nothing prepared me for what motherhood really had in store in terms of having to completely bury my old self.

And worst of all, I was questioning my own ability to mother. Tragically for a hot moment, I lived under this lie that mothering didn’t come naturally to me.

(This is utter bullshit by the way, but nothing prepares you for how to actually mother using your own goddess-given, innate, brilliant intuition.)

Then, I was (re)born.


I Entered The Portal.

I started to realize that the transition from maidenhood to motherhood is a sacred portal that’s been completely erased in modern society.

We are so distracted by the pomp and circumstance of baby showers (and the very ‘necessary’ baby supplies that are designed to deny our intuition) that we neglect what’s really happening underneath and are completely blindsided. 

We aren’t actually taught that ‘we know’. We are taught that we ‘don’t know’ which is why we ‘need’ all this ‘stuff’.

We are never empowered to access the rich, dormant and ancient wisdom that exists inside of us.

In times past, there were wise women in community who would teach the new mothers not ‘how-to’ mother but how to access the well of wisdom within.

And also how to honor the sacred passing of their maiden so they could move powerfully into the next phase of their life and make sense of all the emotions that go with it. We were taken care of into this season of life beside our babies. Community created a container for Motherhood to thrive in.

Once I was in the company of other mothers, I realized that we shared deep pain, at times rage, and confusion.

We had felt isolated and alone in it, when really we were in silence because we didn’t understand it. And we made it make us wrong.

This is when I began my own soul’s journey formed by the rituals, the sacred teachings, the structures, the ceremonies, the support, and the community that allowed me to truly heal and thrive.

I tapped into the ancient technology of women gathering in circle and doing the thing that came most naturally to us: to birth.

I had already birthed my beautiful baby, but I finally birthed myself as a powerful Mother.

I felt the strength of my own sturdiness, the power of my lifeforce, the peace in my journey, and the grace in the dance with my daughters.

There was finally an energetic home for them, because I had found the home in my heart for me.

And this is why I created my signature portal for you.


Your Sacred Matressence Initiation:

An intentional 40-day holy rite of passage from Maiden to Mother.

What’s Included.

A Sacred Initiation Ceremony with me

Here we will untangle the binding threads of your story, together, so you can honor who you were to step fully into who you are. This sacred ceremony will support you in coming into completion of the past, while allowing you to take its medicine with you into the future, so you can be fully present with the breath-taking beauty of what is. It’s broken down into five sacred pillars:

  • Witnessing of the maiden-mother transition as it pertains to you.

  • Clearing to release any cords that are binding you to any wounding, so that unresolved emotions can complete their lifecycle

  • Nourishing you with blessings to call in all the magic and miracles that are yours by divine birthright

  • Guidance to tap into the wellspring of your own intuition to mother yourself and your sweet child

  • Celebration honoring all you have become and are becoming in the wildness of motherhood, the sacredness of the mother-baby bond, and the birth of your family

  • At the conclusion of our call you will be given the rituals, processes, ceremonies, and practices for your Sacred Rites of Passage.

Your Sacred Rites of Passage:

  • Release - the death of the Maiden; her completion; your Birth Story - the physical thresh hold; sacred remembering, honoring; letting go of things that didn’t go as planned, birth, partner, family, connection; healing trauma; calling in blessings of the Womb (the void) - who we are becoming, trusting the unknown, held in the womb of the Great Cosmic Mother in all her many names and all the moms before us.

  • Passage - the birth of baby and the birth of Mother; Experience of momma on this side; calling in the ancient wisdom of mothers; opening the sacred portal of your knowing; calling in the blessings of The Intuition.

  • Rememberance - Your rising; clearing any doubts; empowerment - integration of the journey; alchemy; transcendence; vision; calling in your Divine Queen; final ceremony of completion honoring all of you and your baby.

You will finish this portal living in your embodiment as Mother: powerful, purposeful, and passionate. Raising the the revolution from within.

Program Investment.

In your 40-day holy rite of passage from Maiden to Mother


The Sacred Matressence Initiation

I will guide you on a 6 week Rite of Passage from Maiden to Mother in a Motherhood Zoom Temple where we will gather for 6 live sessions with other mommas on the journey with you.


What Others Are Saying About Working with Me


“I came to Emi in a great time of need. I was deeply struggling, and being as I have just moved to another state, I had no local friends to talk to. Emi was able to not only make me feel comfortable and safe, but everything that she said spoke to me deeply. This was one of the best, if not the best, sessions that I’ve ever had…. And it was virtual!”

— Eden G.


“Before my session, I had topics swimming around in my head, and it helped so much to discuss them openly. I finished feeling lots of empathy and understanding which created an ease that feels amazing:

— Elizabeth J.

“Before the session with Emi I felt deeply hurt and upset. Emi helped clear my energy and also support me with other situations, immediately afterward I felt a huge sense of relief as if the situation had happened a year ago rather than a week ago. She helped me gain insight and clarity on how to move forward with difficult decisions.”

— Amber C.


“Emi was able to tap into what dilemma I was experiencing. She helped me have clarity on which direction to go and even elaborated on areas in my life that I needed to focus on.”

— Jen T.



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